- Neden Kalekim?
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Şirket Bilgileri
Finansal Bilgiler
Kurumsal Yönetim
On which stock exchange is Kalekim stock traded and what is the ticker symbol? In which indices is it included?Kalekim is listed in Borsa Istanbul with the ticker code ‘KLKIM’. It is included in BIST Non-Metal Min. Product / BIST Industrials / BIST Dividend / BIST Corporate Governance / BIST Sustainability / BIST Istanbul / BIST Stars / BIST All Shares-100 / BIST 500 / BIST All Shares
When did Kalekim shares start trading on Borsa Istanbul Stock Exchange?Kalekim shares started to be traded on Borsa Istanbul Stock Exchange on May 18, 2021.
What is the shareholding structure of Kalekim?
Can you share information about capital increases that took place?The Company, which had a paid-in capital of TL 115 million after the public offering, made 300% bonus issue as of September 27, 2023 and increased its paid-in capital to TL 460 million.
What is the paid-up capital of Kalekim?The registered capital ceiling of the company is TL 300.000.000 and the paid-in capital is TL 460.000.000.
How many groups of shares does Kalekim have? Does the company have privileged shares?Kalekim has two groups of shares: Group A and Group B. Group A shares have the privilege of nominating candidates in the election of board members.
What is the dividend policy of the Company?The Company aims to distribute at least 20% of net distributable profit in cash and/or as shares. This policy depends on financial position of the company, other funding needs related with the investments to be made, current conditions in the sector, conditions in the economic environment. This rate shall be revised every year by the Board of Directors in the related profit distribution period depending on national and global economic conditions, medium and long-term growth and investment strategies and cash needs of the Company.
What were the dividend payout ratios and amounts for the last 5 years?The Company, which started trading on Borsa Istanbul in May 2021, distributed dividends from its profits in 2021 and 2022 and from its extraordinary reserves in 2023.
YIL Dağıtım Tarihi Temettü Oranı (%) Temettü (TRY) 2021 7.04.2022 24,34 50.000.000 2022 10.04.2023 21,83 115.000.000 2023 12.06.2024 - 65.000.000 -
Which period does Kalekim's financial year cover?Fiscal year of Kalekim is the 12-month calendar year (January - December).
When does Kalekim release its quarterly financial results?
How can I reach annual reports of Kalekim?
How can I reach quarterly and annual financial reports of Kalekim?
Does Kalekim have a credit rating?According to the initial evaluation by JCR Eurasia Rating, the Long-Term National Issuer Credit Rating of Kalekim has been determined as AA (tr)' with stable outlook. Short-Term National Issuer Credit Rating has also been identified as J1+(TR) with stable outlook. The report on the credit rating may be accessed via this link. https://www.kap.org.tr/en/Bildirim/1326505
How many employees does Kalekim employ?As of the end of 2023, Kalekim employs a total of 492 people, 274 of whom are monthly paid and 218 of whom are hourly paid.
As a Shareholder which department I should contact regarding my questions?You can contact Investor Relations team through e-mail yatirimci@kalekim.com.tr or phone at (212) 423 00 18.
According to which standards are the financial results of Kalekim prepared?Kalekim's financial results are prepared in Turkish Lira in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in line with the requirements of the Capital Markets Board (CMB).