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EPS Insulation Systems

EPS Insulation Systems

Surface Preparation

The horizontal and vertical scales of all facades of the building must be determined before starting the application. If there are any parts that prevent adhesion on the surface, they should be removed. The subbasement profile is fixed 20 cm below the subbasement level. Correct fixing of the subbasement profile at horizontal plane and mesh corner profile vertically is necessary for proper implementation of entire system.


Kalekim EPS Thermal Insulation Board adhesive mortar 1057 Foamtech should be prepared by mixing with water according to application detail. 1057 Foamtech should be applied on one surface of the thermal insulation board entirely continuously or continuously/as stripes along the edges of the thermal insulation board with a trowel or by point / block in the middle. Screw anchors should be applied at least 24 hours after bonding. The plate and wall are drilled with a drill to fix the anchor. Hole length should be drilled in a way that is 1 cm larger than the anchor length. The anchors are placed in all the corners of the plates in a way that 2 of them coincide with the middle of the plates and the plastic nails are pounded. Anchors are fixed in a way that they are introduced minimum 40 mm into concrete and 50 mm in bricks and other hollow blocks. The drill diameters should be selected the same as the anchor diameter. In the case of using plastic nailed anchors on reinforced concrete surfaces, the diameter of the drill is selected as 1 mm wider than the anchor diameter. It is necessary to increase the number of anchors in the corners. Windows, doors and building corners are reinforced with mesh corner profile and plastered with 4057 Foamplast plaster. The first layer of plaster should be applied at least 24 hours after bonding. Homogeneous plaster thickness (average) should be 2.00 mm. The windows, doors and building corners are reinforced with Kalekim Mesh PVC Corner Profile and the horizontal corbels are reinforced with a mesh drip profile at the corners and kept over the first plaster layer. Surface mesh is pressed lightly by means of a steel trowel before the plaster dries. Windows and door corners should be reinforced with bridge wing mesh. Joints of the mesh should overlap 10 cm horizontally and vertically with each other. And by applying a second the plaster layer, a smooth surface is obtained. Homogeneous thickness of the second layer of plaster (average) should be 1.00 mm. Following the application and curing of 4057 Foamplast plaster, application of Minart Silver or Minart Dekor decorative finish coating, which can breathe, has the thickness of minimum 1.00-2.00 mm, solvent free and has a rough surface, is performed. In order to ensure better adhesion of Minart Silver or Minart Dekor decorative finish coating to the plaster, Kale Silastar must be applied as a single layer. Kale Minart Silver or Minart Dekor decorative coating is applied on dried plaster by using a steel/plastic trowel and the system is completed by creating the texture.

Paint Application
Once Minart Silver or Minart Dekor decorative coating gets its cure, primer application should be made with Silastar in order to reduce consumption by balancing the surface absorption rate and increase adhesion of the paint to be applied on it. Paint application must be made by using the colours chosen from the exterior facade colour plate designed for Silikonatex.


1. Plastered Surface               
2. Tamirart 30
3. Foamtech                    
4. EPS Thermal Insulation Board
5. Kalekim Anchor                       
6. Foamplast (1st Layer)
7. Meshed PVC Edging Profile
8. EPS Reinforcement Mesh
9. Foamplast (2nd Layer)      
10. Silaster
11. Silikonatex