Technical Properties
(at 23°C and 50% RH)
General Data
Appearance: White and coloured powder
Shelf Life: 12 months when stored in the original sealed packing in dry place
Application Data
Application Temperature Range: (+5°C)-(+35°C)
Mixing Ratio: 4-4.4 liters water / 20 kg powder
Pot Life: 1 hour
Set to Light Traffic: 1 day
Consumption: See consumption table depending on width of the joints and dimensions of the tile
Performance Data
Flexural Strength (after 28 days) (EN 12808-3): ≥ 2.5 N/mm²
Compressive Strength (after 28 days) (EN 12808-3): ≥ 15 N/mm²
Flexural Strength (after freeze/thaw cycles) (EN 12808-3): ≥ 2.5 N/mm²
Compressive Strength (after freeze/thaw cycles) (EN 12808-3): ≥ 15 N/ mm²
Abrasion Resistance (EN 12808-2): ≤ 1000 mm³
Shrinkage (EN-12808-4): ≤ 3 mm/m
Water Absorption (after 30 min / 4 hours) (EN 12808-5): ≤ 2 g / ≤ 5 g
Service Temperature Range (after final cure): (- 30°C)-(+80°C)