Technical Properties
(at 23°C and 50% RH)
General Data
Appearance: Grey powder
Shelf Life: 12 months when stored in the original sealed packing in dry place
Application Data
Application Temperature Range: (+5°C)-(+35°C)
Mixing Ratio: 3,625-4,625 liters water / 25 kg powder
Application Thickness: Min. 5 mm-Max. 40 mm
Pot Life: 1 hour
Consumption (avr.): 1.9-2.0 kg/m² (per 1 mm thickness)
Performance Data
Mortar Density (powder): 2,1±0,1 g/cm3
Mortar Density (fresh): 2,0±0,1 g/cm3
Flexural Strength (EN 12190):
- ≥ 3,0 N/mm2 (1 day);
- ≥ 5,0 N/mm2 (7 days);
- ≥ 7,0 N/mm2 (28 days);
Compressive Strength (EN 12190):
- ≥ 20,0 N/mm2 (1 day);
- ≥ 30,0 N/mm2 (7 days);
- ≥40,0 N/mm2 (28 days);
Elastic Modulus (EN 13412): 15000 N/mm2
Bonding to Concrete (EN 1542): ≥ 1,5 N/mm2
Restrained Shrinkage/Expansion (EN 12617-4): 1,5 N/mm2
Capillary Water Absorption (EN 13057): ≤ 0,5 kg/m2h0,5
Service Temperature Range: (-30 °C) – (+80 °C)
Dangerous Substances: See SDS.
Reaction to Fire (EN 13501-1): A1