Technical Properties
(23°C and 50% Relative Humidity)
General Information
Colours White
Structu: Acrylic emulsion based
Thinner: Water
Density: Approximately 1.74 gr/cm³
Application Temperature: (+5°C) - (+35°C)
Drying time: Drying time for applying the final coating layer is 6 hours (Lower temperature and higher relative humidity prolong drying time.)
Consumption: Depending on the roughness and absorbency of the surface, an average of 0.160 kg/m² in one layer
Application Tools: Brush, roller, spray gun
Service Temperature: (-30°C) - (+80°C)
Gloss (85°): <10
Solid Content: % 68,5
Volume Solid (VS): % 46,5 Pigment Volume Concentration (PVC): %89