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Highly Flexible Waterproofing Mortar

General Information
Suitable for use in contact of water according to BS 6920 Description Highly flexible waterproofing compound having high resistance to salts for interior and exterior applications, composed of emulsion polymer based liquid and waterproofing, workability improving additives containing cementitious powder components.
Usage Areas
Waterproofing of swimming pools, hammam, bathrooms, showers, balconies, terraces before laying ceramic tiles, Waterproofing of concrete basins of potable water, Waterproofing of underground concrete elements like foundations, retaining walls, basement walls. Waterproofing of places subject to deformation, pedestrian and load traffic, Waterproofing of concrete basins subject to sea water and de-icing salts.
  • Powder component: 20 kg multi-ply paper bags, Liquid component: 10 lt drums Set of 30 kg
Approved to be used in contact with water intended for human consumption. Excellent bonding on all concrete and masonry. Non-corrosive for steel and construction elements. Applicable both on horizontal and vertical surfaces. Resistant to freeze-thaw. Prevents concrete against de-icing salts like calcium and sodium chloride, seawater and carbondioxide gas and carbonation. Easy to apply either by brush, roller or trowel.
Professional Knowledge

Technical Properties

(at 23°C and 50% RH)

General Data

Appearance: 1st compnent: Grey powder 2nd component: White liquid

Shelf life (Powder and liquid): 12 months when stored in the original sealed packaging

Application Data

Application Temperature: (+5°C)-(+35°C)

Mixing Ratio: 10 lt liquid / 20 kg

powder Mixing: ~3 mins. with max. 500 rpm mixer

Pot Life: 4 hours

Consumption (avr.): 1.7 kg/m² (per 1 mm thickness)

Waiting Time Between the Coats: 5-6 hours

Ready to use: 7 days

Performance Data

Density: 1580±100 kg/m3

Waterproofing Capacity (for 3 mm thickness): 7 bar (positive)

Adhesion Strength (EN 14891): ≥0.50 N/mm²

Adhesion Strength (EN 1542): ≥1.00 N/mm2

Adhesion Strength After Water Immersion (EN 14891): ≥0.50 N/mm²

Adhesion Strength After Freeze-Thaw Cycles (EN 14891): ≥0.50 N/mm²

Adhesion Strength After Cycling Without De-icing Salts Impact (EN 13687-3/ EN 1542) : ≥1 N/mm²

Adhesion Strength After Heat Ageing (EN 14891) : ≥0.50 N/mm²

Adhesion Strength After Heat Ageing (EN 1062-11/EN 1542) : ≥1.00 N/mm2

Adhesion Strength After Contact With Lime Water(EN 14891): ≥0.50 N/mm²

Adhesion Strength After Contact With Chlorinated Water (EN 14891) : ≥0.50 N/mm²

Crack Bridging (23°C,%50 RH) (EN 14891) : ≥ 0.75 mm

Crack Bridging (-20°C,%50 RH) (EN 14891) : ≥ 0.75 mm Crack Bridging (-21°C; EN 1062-7) : ≥ 2,5 mm (A5)

Chloride Diffusion (ASTM C1202): ≤ 200 Coulomb (Class: Very low permeability)

Carbon Dioxide Permeability (EN 1062–6) : Sd >50 m (Sd: Equivalent air thickness)

Permeability to Water-Vapor (EN ISO 7783-2) : Class I; Sd <5 (Sd: Equivalent air thickness)

Capillary Water Absorption (EN ISO 1062-3) : < 0.1 kg/m²h0.5

Heat Resistance : (-40°C) - (+80°C)

Dangerous Substances : See SDS.

Reaction to Fire : European classification Cs1d0