Technical Properties
(at 23°C and 50% RH)
General Data
Appearance: White, beige and grey coloured paste
Density: 1.7 ± 0.1 kg/m³
Dry Solids Content: ≥ 85%
pH: 8.00 ± 0.5
Shelf Life: 12 months when stored in the original sealed packing in dry place.
Application Data
Application Temperature Range: (+10°C)-(+35°C)
Set to Light Traffic: > 48 hours
Consumption: See epoxy & acrylic consumption table depending on width of the joints and dimensions of the tile
Performance Data
Resistance to Ageing: Good
Flexibility: High
Hardness (Shore D): ~ 50
Service Temperature Range (after final cure): (-15°C)-(+70°C)