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Internal Waterproofing Solutions for Foundation Walls

Internal Waterproofing Solutions for Foundation Walls

Surface Preparation

Wet or damp basement floors cannot be used as comfortable living spaces and they reduce the life and value of the building. The best solution is to perform external waterproofing of the parts of the buildings that will remain under the ground during the construction phase of the building. In cases where external insulation is not made, it is possible to tolerate this situation and to insulate from inside to provide the necessary waterproofing. The application surface should be checked before waterproofing. The surface should be clean, smooth and sound. It is necessary to clean loose particles, residues that will prevent adhesion and penetration of the product into the concrete, such as dust, dirt, oil, soil, on the concrete surface where crystalized waterproofing materials give high performance, thoroughly by using water jet, sand blasting or wire brush. Defective applications such as cracks, capillary cracks and segregation on the concrete surface should be opened by breaking and cleaned and 3031 Izoseal 2K should be applied to the cleaned areas, followed by the rectification phase by using 4002 Tamirart 30 thick repair mortar or 4004 Tamirart S40 structural repair mortar.

The surface must be saturated with water before proceeding with waterproofing application. It should be noted that the surface is not wet but humid during the application.


3031 Izoseal 2K two component crystallized waterproofing and protection mortar should be applied on the concrete surface with brush or roller as 2 or 3 layers. 3031 Izoseal 2K, when applied to concrete surface, penetrates through the cavities into the concrete and active chemicals in its formula react with free lime and moisture in the capillary cavities of concrete and form insoluble crystal structures. These crystals fill the cavities and shrinkage cracks in the concrete to prevent the passage of water and make the concrete resistant to water pressure from inside and outside.


1. Concrete Shear Wall           
2. İzoseal 2K (1st Layer)
3. İzoseal 2K (2nd Layer)  
4. Kalekim İnce Sıva Beyaz / Finish Plaster White


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