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Waterproofing Solutions for Non-Exposed Covered with Ballast Terrace Flat Roofs

Waterproofing Solutions for Non-Exposed Covered with Ballast Terrace Flat Roofs

Surface Preparation

The reinforced concrete application surface must be checked before waterproofing. The surface is free of residues that will prevent adhesion, clean, smooth and sound.

The roof terrace slope should be designed as min 2%. Waterproofing system with protection and supporting layers (if any); should be able to withstand the effects of roof slope. The points (sieves and pipes) where the water onto the roof terrace to be discharged should be determined according to the roof area and annual rainfall quantity of the area where the application is made. Reinforced concrete surface should be properly levelled for homogeneous application of the waterproofing product. If there are defects on the application sub-surface, it should be corrected with 4002 Tamirart 30 thick repair mortar. If there are structural cracks on the surface, 4004 Tamirart S40 should be used. Waterproofing should be ensured by using 4004 Tamirart S40 repair mortar on inner corners for sustaining the sealing. Before application, the surface should not be washed with water and the surface moisture should be below 5%. 3452 Izopur P should be applied after surface preparation.

Waterproofing Application

The most important feature of Izopur System components, that distinguishes them from other waterproofing products, is the high elasticity. Thanks to its easy and fast application it creates a water impermeable waterproofing layer at any place in need of waterproofing such as terraces, balconies, roof and terraces of the carparks.
Before application on flat roof terraces, 2 layers of 3451 Izopur one component, ready to use, extra elastic, polyurethane based waterproofing material should be applied by means of a brush, roller or by spraying on the reinforced concrete prepared surface primed with 3452 Izopur P. Risky areas such as large planes, floor-wall joints, parapet corners, chimney bottoms should be strengthened with a special waterproofing textile mesh. The second layer should be applied 12 hours after the application of the first coat (within 36 hours at the latest). After the surface dries, it must be waited for 7 days for full setting and leak-tightness tests should be carried out for 24 hours.

Waterproofing Protection

Izopur System waterproofing components applied on the pebble covered terrace insulation should be protected from external factors. Thermal insulation should be done according to the details calculated according to the details in the specification. Thermal insulation is covered with mesh and ballet and the water insulation system is protected.


1. Slope Concrete           
2. İzopur P
3. İzopur (1st Layer)          
4. İzopur (2nd Layer)
5. Vapor Barrier Coat     
6. XPS
7. Geotextile Felt        
8. Gravel