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Ready to Use Flexible Grouting Mortar (1 - 6 mm)

General Information
Acrylic based, flexible, water repellent, ready to use paste for 1 to 6 mm joints.
Usage Areas
Grouting all types and sizes of ceramics and glass mosaics, FUGATECH provides excellent results for horizontal and vertical interior applications and FUGATECH RUSTİK is recommended for vertical exterior applications, FUGATECH RUSTİK suitable for exterior facades and flexible substrates.
  • 3 kg plastic pail.
Acrylic based, flexible, water repellent, ready to use paste for 1 to 6 mm joints.
Professional Knowledge

Technical Properties

(at 23°C and 50% RH)

General Data

Appearance: White, beige and grey coloured paste

Density: 1.7 ± 0.1 kg/m³

Dry Solids Content: ≥ 85%

pH: 8.00 ± 0.5

Shelf Life: 12 months when stored in the original sealed packing in dry place.

Application Data

Application Temperature Range: (+10°C)-(+35°C)

Set to Light Traffic: > 48 hours

Consumption: See epoxy & acrylic consumption table depending on width of the joints and dimensions of the tile

Performance Data

Resistance to Ageing: Good

Flexibility: High

Hardness (Shore D): ~ 50

Service Temperature Range (after final cure): (-15°C)-(+70°C)


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