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Cement Based, Water Resistant, Fine, Surface Smoothening Putty

General Information
Cement based, fine, white, surface smoothening putty formulated for smoothing the uneven concrete and mineral surfaces, filling up the hair cracks and for covering interior and exterior surface defects
Usage Areas
For smoothing the uneven concrete and mineral surfaces, for filling up the hair cracks and for covering the surface defects due to removal of blistered old coating.
  • 5 kg polyethylene and 20 kg multi-ply paper bags
Forms very strong, non-dusting and smooth surfaces, thus contributes to the appearance and the resistance of the top coat. Resistant to water and to moisture; when dampened, does not soften or does not weaken the adherence of the top coat to the substrate. Compared to gypsum panels and gypsum basedmaterials, has higher durability and adherence strength therefore more resistant against cracking. Reduces paint consumption by decreasing the absorbency of the surface. Having high filling capacity, at most 2 layers will be sufficient to achieve a smooth surface. Easy to apply. Easy to sand, non-dusting. Does not prevent the water vapour permeability of the wall.
Professional Knowledge
Technical Properties (at 23°C and 50% RH)
General Data
 Appearance: White
 Shelf Life: 12 months when stored in the original sealed package
Application Data
 Application Temperature Range: (+5°C ) - (+35°C)
 Water Mixing Ratio: 8-9 lt water/20 kg powder
 Pot Life: Min. 3 hours
 Ready for Use: 24 hours
 Waiting Time Between the Coats: 2-3 hours. (Lower temperature or higher relative humidity will lengthen the drying process.)
 Application Tools: Stainless steel trowel
 Consumption: Depending on the evenness and the porosity of the surface approximately 0.5-1.0 kg for 1 mm. application thickness
 Application: should be held in maximum 3 mm
Performance Data
 Compression Strength – Class (EN 12190): > 10 MPa - R1
 Bonding Strength (EN 1542): ≥ 0.8 MPa
 Flexural Strength (EN 12190): ≥ 2.5 N/mm² (28 days)
 Compressive Strength (EN 12190): ≥ 16.0 N/mm² (28 days)
 Bonding Strength (EN 1542): ≥ 1.0 N/mm²
 Reaction to Fire (TS EN 13501-1): European Classification A1
Dangerous Substances Complies item: 5.4
 Service Temperature: (-30°C) - (+80°C)

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