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Tecnica 922 WP

Tecnica 922 WP

Waterproofing Concrete Admixture With Water Reducing/Plasticising Effect

General Information
Tecnica 922 WP is a modified lignosulfonate based concrete admixture that increases the water impermeability of the concrete against water absorption and provides liquidity plasticity to the fresh concrete.
Usage Areas
To reduce the low-pressure or unpressurised water permeability of concrete. Swimming pool, open channel and tunnel segment constructions, Concretes designed for wastewater treatment plants, dams, culverts and water reservoirs, Concrete elements under the high risk of water absorption by capillary suction, To reduce water ingress in tidal and splash zone of water structures.
  • 30 kg drum 1000 kg IBC
It increases impermeability against capillary water absorption compared to admixture-free concrete. Improves the durability of concrete. Improves the workability without increasing the water content. Reduces shrinkage. Does not contain chloride or any other substances that may cause corrosion. It provides easy settling and pumping of concrete.

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