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Solutions for Ceramic Tile Application on Gypsum Board and Plaster Surfaces

Solutions for Ceramic Tile Application on Gypsum Board and Plaster Surfaces

Surface Preparation

Before Ceramic tile application on gypsum boards and plaster applied surfaces, it should be ensured that gypsum boards are sound. Gypsum board or plaster applied surfaces are the surfaces that are exposed to absorbent and flexion movement. Prior to the ceramic tile application, the substrate should be primed with 4505 Kalekim Astar (Primer) to reduce its absorbency and a proper adhesion surface should be formed. Expansion joints between the panels should be filled with 8001 Kalemastik against possible cracking.

Tiling and Grouting

In the tiling application on plaster and gypsum boards S1 class flexible adhesive mortar 1054 Technoflex should be used at least in order to tolerate the flexing movements of the surface. 2300 Fugaflex (1-6mm) or 2600 Fugaflex (6-20mm) flexible grouting mortar should be used for the application of a long-lasting grouting mortar in interior spaces.



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